COVID-19 Guidelines

We are excited to have you all back and participating in HUC events, but want to ensure that we are doing so in the safest manner possible. As stated in the registration form, unvaccinated individuals will be allowed to take part in Fall League, at this time. In order to protect our community members and their respective families, we have consulted with local TMC Physicians, and Federal, Local, CDC, and USAU data/policies to outline an effective COVID-19 Protocol. We hope that you can help us achieve a safe return to HUC events by adhering to the following guidelines:

    • Both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals can be carriers and spreaders of COVID-19, especially if they are in contact with other unvaccinated individuals or children. Each individual should be aware of the risk-levels of their personal situations, and take additional precautions accordingly.
    • Hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes will be available at every field. Discs should be wiped before games start, at half, and after games end.
    • Unvaccinated individuals (for any reason) will be required to wear a mask at all times, i.e. while playing and while on the sideline.
    • Unvaccinated individuals will be required to present a negative PCR test to the League Director, taken 2-3 days before play, every week by 5pm, HERE. No test, means you cannot participate. Please also confirm attendance every week on the League website
      • Falsified tests, vaccination cards, or misrepresentation of vaccination or positive status, will be viewed as a breach of our Code of Conduct and may result in loss of ability to participate in all future HUC events. 
      • Curative generally has many appointments available, daily. CVS/Walgreens/etc as well. Book ahead!
  • Vaccinated individuals are also encouraged to test themselves regularly and keep their teams/the league director updated on their status. 
    • There are 3 League dates (
    • ) where submitting tests will be strongly encouraged. If you submit on time for all 3 tests, you will be entered into a raffle for a $150 prize, to be announced at league finals. Tests will be submitted HERE. If you are unvaccinated, you are also eligible for the prize.
  • Vaccinated individuals are encouraged to wear masks whenever physical activity is not involved, i.e. in between games and while on the sideline.
  • Social distancing during huddles and while on the sideline is highly encouraged.
  • High five lines after games are discouraged. We challenge captains to come up with other ideas to show sportsmanship with opponents after games!
  • In situations where there is possible exposure, positive case or disagreement about the policies, we will be referring to the CDC guidelines, which in turn will reflect the USA Ultimate COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures.
    • Please stay home if you have been exposed, vaccinated or not. We ask that you also stay home if you are experiencing symptoms, even if not known to be exposed. You will be required to notify your captain and League Director as soon as possible if you will be missing league or if you become positive after attending league.
    • Contact tracing will be a community effort. If a participant is known to have been positive, HUC will try it’s best to alert all affected individuals. 
      • All individuals (vaccinated or not) suspected to have been in contact with the positive participant will be expected to produce a negative test in order to participate in the subsequent week’s League games.
        • Tests must be taken at least 3 days after exposure, following CDC recommendations
        • Following test submission, HUC will inform participants on their evaluation of return to play

This year the Captains are endowed with a special responsibility of ensuring that each teammate participating in fall league is being “Covid Conscious.” Therefore, the Captains will be the only participants directly aware of your vaccination status. Any violations of the COVID-19 guidelines MUST be reported by the Captain to the organizers with absolutely no exceptions. Failure to report violations will be viewed as a breach of the Code of Conduct and may result in the loss of ability to participate in all future HUC events.

By participating in Fall League, you are agreeing to follow these guidelines. We reserve the option to update these protocols at any point throughout the course of the league schedule.

These times are unprecedented and difficult to navigate for us all, but your flexibility and commitment to a safe return to play are much appreciated! Keeping our community safe is of the utmost importance, and our measures only work if everyone is bought in.